Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dadurday: The Husband Responds!

I like this idea.

Not only the part where my wife tells everyone the story of our relationship as we go through it, or the part where she goes on and on about how awesome our kids (she went over the our thing, right?) are.

I get the opportunity to make a post which leads with a Dad Joke.

Dadurday was my idea.  When Lydia shared with me that she was writing a blog, I was like, 'Hey!  I should do a post on there like once a week where I give my point of view!'

I have a big mouth.

I am so incredibly proud of my wife.  She has taken on this task, and is not only doing it, but is doing it well.  You guys have responded really well, and people are reading!  Which is amazing.

Because she is amazing. This week, on Wednesday, we all traveled over to my mom and dad's place for Taco Night.  When we arrived, I found my mother is a state of severe confusion and agitation.  She's been having these spells for some time, and doctors are still struggling to discover why it is happening.  I sent Lydia and the kids on to her mom's, called 911, and proceeded to deal with the situation at hand.

I was able to deal with the immediate emergency because I had a partner to help.  I had someone who was not only there and ready, but happy and willing.

She took over all of the parenting duties for the next 48 hours, as I had to be with my mom in the hospital.  My dad would have loved to help, I'm sure, but he was being discharged from the same ER we arrived at on Wednesday, being that he'd just flipped his concrete truck earlier that day!  It was the perfect storm of just absolute chaos.  Through it all, Lydia was firm, strong, and able.  It was a beautiful thing.

She took on a lot when she took us on as a family.  She's younger than me, she was getting three kids, and she was getting a husband that, statistically, wasn't doing so hot on the whole marriage front.  Indeed, I spent the entire first date telling her she was making a mistake.

I hope she keeps making it.  Because this has been a beautiful, crazy, wonderful run, and its only two months in!

I'm sure these posts will get less sappy as time goes on, and I'll respond to the actual things my wife is writing during the week, but come on--how could I not take my first opportunity to post to brag on my beautiful amazing wife?

I mean, think of the brownie points alone!

Til next week,


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