Monday, October 20, 2014


You know those times when you're doing something important and you lose track of time? Sometimes it's ok and no big deal. Sometimes, you almost forget to pick up your step kids from school.

Yeah. So that happened. I have an alarm on my phone that goes off everyday. 45 mjnutes before they get out of school. That gives me time to come back to earth from work mode and kinda chillax before I have three tornadoes of energy enter my life again. :)

But, that alarm didn't go off today. I don't know why but I was still in work mode when I looked over and saw that it was 3:00. Usually I leave the house around 2:45, I pick them up at 3:30 and we head home. I get there early so I don't have to wait to pick them up. If I'm in the front of the line, they jump in and I drive off. I don't have to wait or anything. It's nice.

I am here to tell you that God was smiling on me today. I'm still in the front of the line! Thank you Lord.


Ok, so today I noticed that I am up to 1,800 page views. Holy Moses.

I've decided that if we can get it up to 2,000 before the kids go back to their mom's on Sunday, I'm gonna have them do a challenge and I'll post it on here. You can comment below with any of the funny challenges you've seen on youtube (the egg roulette challenge, the smoothie challenge, the baby food challenge-just to name a few. If you haven't seen these, go look some up on youtube!)

So yeah, share this on your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, MySpace, Bebo, Facetime....whatever you do....and we could have the kids do some pretty funny stuff!

I hope you guys have a wonderful day and I'll see you tomorrow :)

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