Monday, October 13, 2014

Cooking with Step Monster

If any of you actually know me, you know that I'm no chef.

I used to burn toast, if that gives you any idea of how bad I actually was at cooking. Or my husband's favorite example...I boiled over tomato soup...all over the stove. Smelled like a hot mess for the rest of dinner.

So now, I've been basically teaching myself how to cook, with the help of Youtube of course. :)
Each time I make something new, the kids add it to the list of things that I've made.

So far, I have:
Spaghetti (which I'm surprisingly good at. I got that from my Grandma and Mother)
Stroganoff, it's from a box but still...good. :)
Eggs, only scrambled so far. But I'm getting there
Smoothies. You can ask them, I am the smoothie queen.

Hobo Meals. Can't go wrong with Hobo Meals. I'll have my favorite recipe at the end for these :)
Pies (apple and pumpkin)
Cakes. Rainbow cakes. :)

I'm pretty proud of that list to be honest. I know some people who can go out and whip up whatever they like (my mom) but unfortunately, I did not get that gene. I wish I had, then the kids and I would be set. But as for now, their dad is the master chef...I'm catching up with him though!

For any of you out there who have a husband that does all the work in the kitchen simply because you don't know how-tell him about this new idea that you came up with. Hobo Meals. As long as you (or he) can work a grill, you'll be set because shopping for this is gonna be a walk in the park.

Literally, put anything you want in it.
My favorite consists of:
Garlic/Garlic Salt
Onion Salt
Worcestershire sauce
Spray Butter
Tin Foil (to wrap it in, not to eat)

Basically, all you have to do is spray the foil with butter, break up the hamburger, season the hamburger,and then put it all together. Wrap it up and throw it on the grill! That's it, but honestly, the possibilities are ENDLESS!

Hopefully, this gives you guys a new recipe to add to your cook-book!

If you have a recipe that you would like to share with me, please put it in the comments or send me a message on Facebook! I'd love to have some recipe's to add to MY cookbook :)

I hope you guys have a wonderful day and I'll see you tomorrow :)

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