Friday, February 6, 2015

Fri-Diary 02/06/15

Alright! I'm back!

Welcome to Fri-Diary everyone, I'm so glad that you have been so patient with me. I just didn't want to sit here and write about things that weren't as important as the big news I wanted to share which was that I'M PREGNANT!!!

 14 weeks tomorrow actually :)

So, I'm sure most of you know already but hey, who doesn't like saying that???
Anyways, I'm going to start back up on these and hopefully I can get back in the swing of things. Not everyday, but I'll at least try to do it every week. Maybe twice a week...I don't know, let's just go with the flow, shall we?

I know that a lot of you read my blog in the past and now that I'm pregnant there will be a section on where I talk about that. The weird cravings, my mood swings, new things that develop that I have no explanation for. You know, the funny stuff! But don't worry, it won't all change-it'll still be the same blog with a little something extra thrown in there. :)

So, let's see...a lot has happened in the time since you've seen me last. November was the month that we found out we were having a baby! I was going to do a whole big thing about it, like write posts but not post them until we told our families and stuff like that but, that fell through so now I'm just going to go back and think about what has happened since then...

On the 15th of November, we got our first positive :)

The 20th through the 22nd was the High School Musical-All Shook Up starring some pretty talented kids.

The 27th was Thanksgiving. By that time, the only people who knew were my cousin Alyson and her girlfriend Michele (who are also expecting!!!)

Then December hit. This was the month we were going to tell everyone, even though it was super early, I wanted everyone to know. If something happened, it wasn't time for us yet and I didn't want to hide it, I wanted to share it!

December 3rd, we told mom and dad. We were decorating the Christmas tree with our new ornaments. Bo's had to do with baking, Sadie's had to do with soccer, Myles had Taz on his, Chris's was the Cardinals and mine was a little snow-woman with a big belly and a scarf that said 'mommy to be' on it. Needless to say, I cried. Mom was excited, Dad was excited. It was a pretty great night. :)

December 5th, we said goodbye to one of the greatest women to ever grace this earth. Lots of tears were shed but we knew that she wasn't hurting anymore so it made it a little easier...
After the memorial, we went out to a bar but I wasn't drinking. That was the night we told Kristy and Jeanna, Kerrie's girls. It was a blessing for sure, I just wish I could have told her myself...The picture below is our oldest, Bodyn and her best friend, Madi. :)

December 18th was my first OBGYN appointment and they definitely confirmed it for us, we were having a baby! We saw and listened to the heartbeat and I fell in LOVE. I couldn't wait to tell everyone...but I had to wait one more week...and it was killing me.

December 24th was my mom's side of the family. We decided to let my uncle announce it since I had no grandparents left on this side of the family, he just didn't know he was going to! We put our onesie that we had printed in a box that said to Jeff, from Santa. When he opened it, he had sort of a confused look on his face. My cousin Britni got it right away and said aww yay! When everyone was still confused she went on to say, "Lydia's pregnant!........Right?" Once it was confirmed by Chris and I by a nod of the head, my uncle could breathe again. He thought it was his wife's way of telling him that they were having their 3rd. With a sigh of relief, he slid the box to me and said, "Congratulations!"

December 25th was Christmas Day, it was a rodeo trying to get both grandparents in the same room at the same time though. Once we finally got them in the same room to open the present, they were both so annoyed with us, I was surprised there wasn't more cursing! haha
But once the box was opened, my cousin Jennifer figured it out and looked at me with her mouth gaped open. Everyone was so excited. I couldn't have asked for better Christmases.

After that, we announced it to the church. I had dad do it because if I did it, no one would be able to understand me. :)
He held up 4 fingers and explained that each finger represented a grandchild. The 4th was just a bud and that we would be meeting that little one, in August. :) I cried...again...

January 3rd we celebrated the life of Kerrie Sims with the songs we knew thanks to her and the songs she begged to hear us sing again and again and again. I consider myself blessed to have been able to smile, laugh, and just be with her. She was an angel sent straight from heaven, she just caught a little sass along the way. :)

January 13th was Dad's surgery. He had a stroke last year, he was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and just 2 months ago, they tell him, the mass is gone! He still had to go through chemo and the surgery but we all feel better at the end of the day because he's beating it. :)

January 15th was my second OBGYN appointment. I was going down by myself. I was a little bit scared but the way that the scheduling was that day, it just wasn't going to work to have both of us there. I was texting my mom on the way down telling her I was a little nervous and I had wished that she was coming with me. As I was sitting in the waiting room, someone walked up next to me and asked if the seat next to me was taken. I turned around to say no to see my mom smiling back at me. :)
I was shocked, I didn't know what to say! She had taken off work to come be with me at the appointment. I told her she didn't have to but she did and I was overly thankful. Once we got into the room, they were having some trouble hearing the heartbeat with a Doppler and I think the doctor could tell I was nervous so she went to see if the ultrasound technician was busy, she wasn't. Mom got to see the baby move, hear it's heartbeat and be excited right next to me. It was a great appointment.

January 23rd was the official start of the Show Choir season. We were headed to Crete-Monee for the first competition of the year. For the first one they didn't do that bad! Our middle school got 1st Runner Up and People's Choice Award. Our prep group got Grand Champion in their division and Our Varsity group got 3rd Runner Up over all. We are all very proud and we're going on our next competition tomorrow! Ofallon Illinois, here we come!

February 1st was the Super Bowl and even though the team that I was rooting for didn't win, Katy Perry killed it. And don't even get me started on Missy Elliot. Get it girl.

So, now it's the 6th of February and we're doing what we always do before a competition...procrastinating. :)

That's the kind of catch-up version of Fri-Diary! I'll do another one next week but it'll be a lot shorter! Promise!

I hope you guys had a great day and I'll see you soon! :)

PS: These are the links to the videos to each thing I talked about here...and some extras :)

Telling Christopher-
Telling the kids-
Telling my mom and dad-
Telling Diane-
6 Week Ultrasound!-
Telling my mom's side-
Telling my dad's side-
10 Week Ultrasound!-

And more to come! :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Ok, so I've been seriously debating going down to just one day a week, two days a week or three days a week. All have a theme of course...just need to know which one you guys are interested in.

I have a couple ideas. I stole this one from Grace Helbig (who is hilarious, I seriously recommend buying her book...
Honestly...I listen to it in my car on Audible all the time.) -Fri-Diary which is basically a re-cap to what I have done all week.

-Recipe day, where I find a new recipe on Pinterest or something and try it out. I tell you what I think about it and Chris tells you what he thought of it. That would probably be on a Monday or a Wednesday, so if you guys come up with a fancy name for that, it would definitely help me out...

-DIY Day where I take the ridiculous things I've seen on Pinterest (the cheaper ones of course) and see if they actually work. Depending on the type of projects, it might eventually work it's way into a vlog. We'll see.

-Movie Recommendation Day, where I tell you about a movie I have seen and why I think you should see it. Simple enough. Yeah. :) They won't always be new movies, because I don't have the funds to see a new movie each week...unfortunately.

-Interviews with the kids/husband/step monster. Once I get a bigger following and people start asking more questions about us, then we can do this day...but I don't think we're ready for that yet.

-Any other recommendation you have for a special day. I will do them the same day each week. Every day is kinda getting really hard though.

So cast your votes now for how many days and which of these days I mentioned would be your favorite!

Thanks for reading guys and I'll see you soon :)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Twenty Questions

Ok, so I found a list of questions that I thought would be fun to answer to let you guys know more about me :)

  1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?  I would say mid to late 20's
  2. Which is worse, failing or never trying?  Never trying. You never know how far you'll get until you try.
  3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?  Wow...I never thought a list of questions on the internet would make me question my entire life...
  4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?  I hope so. I say an awful lot...
  5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?  The way we think about each other. If everyone loved everyone, think of how different the world could be.
  6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?  Spending time with the ones I love, doing just about anything.
  7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?  I think I'm doing what I believe in.
  8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? I wouldn't live in Troy, MO...that's for sure.
  9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?  My ability to choose who I would marry, what I do for a job, who I choose to associate myself with.
  10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?  Most times, doing the right things.
  11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do?  Speak up. Whether it's family or friends, I'll let you know the truth.
  12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?  Never be lazy, you can relax, but never be lazy. (That's a problem that I have...)
  13. Would you break the law to save a loved one?  Yes, there's nothing more important than family.
  14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?  Yes.
  15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?  Shuffle cards, show love, make chili, play Minecraft, think, see, live.
  16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?  Everyone has a different personality. Believe it or not, killing makes some people happy. That would never make me happy. Love makes me happy, equality for everyone makes me happy, the same rights for everyone makes me happy. A lot of people think differently. Does that make them wrong? No. Does that make me wrong? No. It makes us different.
  17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What's holding you back?  Go to Haiti. A couple more months and a couple hundred dollars.
  18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? A couple grudges. I've  never been one to hold grudges but if you mess with my friends or family, you have to work REAL hard  to get back on my good side.
  19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?  Africa or Italy. Africa to work with kids and Italy, because who wouldn't move to Italy?!
  20. Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? Yes and yes. I think it reads my thoughts through my fingers.
Alright guys, that is the blog for today. If you think I should blog more often or if I should blog less, tell me in the comments below or on Facebook!  Let me know what you'd ljke to hear about! :)

I hope you guys had a wonderful day and I'll see you soon :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Wally World.

I don't know about you guys, but I could never go to WalMart again, and die a happy woman.

I have a list of pros and cons of going to WalMart.

-Lots of lanes (not open, but they're there!)
-You can get certain things there that you can't get at Kroger, unfortunately.
-I can't think of anything else...

-Some of the people that shop there act like they were raised by wolves.
-It's not Kroger.
-The parking lot is so ridiculously dangerous, I don't take the kids with me anymore.
-I've bought expired food from there, more than once.
-Like I said in the pros, there are 30 lanes and only 3 are open at all times.
-When I can't find something and I ask someone who works there, they look in the exact same spot that I was in. For 20 minutes before saying "hmm...I dunno."
-They already have Christmas music playing in the store -_-
-They say they have the lowest prices, I know as soon as I walk in Kroger that THAT is a lie.
-Their workers are never happy, never smiling. As soon as I walk in Kroger, I get a smile and a welcome.
-Maybe it's just me, but I wish I never had to go to WalMart ever again.

Please share your horrible WalMart experiences in the comments below or on Facebook, I would love to hear them! :)

I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and I'll see you soon :)

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Have you ever felt helpless.

One day everything just comes crashing down and you realize you're not following your dreams, you're not loving life, you're feeling like you have no positive impact on the world. You've tried so hard for so long to make everyone happy that you don't know who YOU are anymore?

I once had, what some would call, an eating disorder. I stopped eating...I thought I was not thin enough. I thought that was what the world wanted. I thought that was what my most recent ex wanted. It wasn't. It didn't really matter to him, it didn't matter to anyone.

No one really noticed when I just got a bag of chips at lunch and only ate three or four. No one noticed at after school practices, in class. My mom and dad mentioned I wasn't eating as much but they didn't know I wasn't eating at all.

I hid it because I was ashamed. I was ashamed of what people would think of me, I was ashamed at my reasoning that maybe if I did this, he'd take me back. I was ashamed that I actually thought that it might make me better. One day in the bathroom at school, I passed out from hunger. I quickly recovered, ate a granola bar and went back to class. I was losing weight, my clothes were loose fitting, still no one said anything.

It got to the point one night that I sitting in my room crying my eyes out, thinking that no one would care if I were there or not anymore. I cried out to God to give me an answer and when I opened my eyes, I looked in the mirror and realized I didn't recognize the person that was looking back at me. I knew at that moment, I needed to change or else I would never be able to crawl out of this hole again.

The next day, I got an actual lunch and a couple of my friends told me they were glad to see me eating again. They did notice. They just didn't say anything. I talked to them later on and they said they didn't know how to ask me about it without making it worse or making me mad.
If you have noticed this behavior in a friend, talk to them. You never know when someone's life could change in an instant. Maybe they just needed that one conversation, maybe they need more than that. If someone would have said something to me, maybe it wouldn't have gotten as bad as it did.

We'll never know. I'm much happier with myself now, and I'm glad that I could share this story with you guys. If any of you have ever struggled with body issues, know that you are not alone. You can talk to me, there will be no judgement. If you need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open.

I hope just by these few words, I was able to help someone talk to someone they think might need it, or help someone who needs it, ask for help. Don't just sit there and drown, save yourself. You are more than worth it. I believe in you. You are loved. You WILL be missed. Someone loves you, just take some time to love yourself and that will become clear.

I love you guys. I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you tomorrow

Monday, October 27, 2014

SORRY!!! :/

I'm so sorry for not posting all weekend. Unfortunately I think that's how it's going to start being.

Every day is a huge commitment and sometimes I can't post until 10 o clock at night and then I'm lucky if anyone gets around to reading them.

So, I'm going to leave it up to you guys. Either I can write Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday...
Or I can write Monday through Friday.

Either way, I'm taking two days off...sorry, this is getting to be a lot and we're getting super busy!


But now, I'm going to write my actual blog. :)

Friday morning the kids had friends over so I had six giggling, screaming bodies here other than me.

First, they did the baby food challenge. There were gross ones and good ones, like spinach and potato and strawberry banana. Wouldn't you know it, I bought more bad than good. Oops ;)

Next they did chubby bunny...which is probably the most fun, gross game you could ever play. NEVER play it inside...
Bethany got 12 in her mouth. I'm sure her mother is so proud. :)

Then, the did the egg roulette challenge like I promised...but I have apparently forgotten how to hard boil eggs so once we got through a couple of eggs the kids said, "did you hard boil ANY of these?!"
Ummm...apparently not. The whites were semi-solid and the yolks were still runny so it ended up being a 'let's make a mess' game. Which I'm totally fine with because they were outside!

After their friends left, they got into some comfy clothes and went with my mom and dad to do some camping. I'll sure more marshmallows was ALL they needed. I'll surprised they went to sleep!

Only Sadie stuck it out and slept outside with Grandpa Pat. She's our trooper, that's for sure.

And the next morning she asked for hot sauce on her eggs. I'm pretty sure she's the favorite grandchild in dad's book. :)

Then we went to Sadie's soccer game, they won 9-0! She's progressed so much with the help of her coach, I'm so glad she's on his team. He's a great soccer player and an even better coach. Sadie has been learning a lot this year, rather than the keep away she's played in the past. She has learned actual plays and helps a lot defensively :)

After that, we had about an hour to chill, I took a nap. I was exhausted...

Then, we went to rehearsal for Sunday's worship set, picked up another one of Sadie's friends and headed out to our church's fall festival.

The next morning we woke up early and headed to church, sang our songs and in the middle of service, I had to take the kids to the soccer fields, we had another game to get to. This one was INTENSE. Chris and I almost had heart attacks. But, in the end, they won! That meant that our last game would be at 2 o'clock that day, so we had to go get lunch and come back.

The last game was even worse because we were playing for 1st! Unfortunately, in the last half, we lost the game. But we can't complain about 2nd place! The girls did an amazing job this year and we couldn't be more proud of all their hard work and perseverance.

THEN, after we gave the kids to their mom, we went to another fall festival. This time it was for our old church, we so desperately missed everyone there that we almost cried when we pulled in.

We played some games, ate some delicious food and then parted ways. I'm sure we'll make it around again soon. :)

Anyways, that was our busy weekend, I hope you enjoyed yours as much as I enjoyed mine.

I hope you have a wonderful day, I'll see you tomorrow :)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Fun, friends and half boiled eggs

For any of you that didn't know, my page got over 2,000 VIEWS!

So, like I said, the kids did a challenge...actually, they did THREE!
First, they did the baby food challenge. There were more gross ones than good ones, like spinach and potato...blech. They did them and then I did them.

Then they did chubby bunny....I honestly thought I could fit more than 8 marshmallows in my mouth...I was so wrong

And finally they did the egg roulette challenge...which turned out to be a bunch of raw and half boiled eggs...all of them had runny yolks... :/ it was pretty gross.

I just got home from Brianna's Norwex party, which I'm having one of my own! She sold me on it.

Now Chris and I are sitting here eating dinner, the kids are at my parent's house camping out and I can finally breathe :)

All in all, it was a pretty wonderful day if you ask me.

I hope you guys had a wonderful day and I'll see you guys tomorrow :)